The NEA’s influence on education.

The National Education Association known as the Teachers Union. The NEA asserts that “The Association also believes that public education should be publicly and democratically controlled, without undue influence in decision making on the part of any private interests, including but not limited to business concerns and philanthropic organizations. (1969, 2017)”

However, it is their actions that have exerted more than “undue influence” in shaping the direction of public education for many years through lobbying, campaign donations, and their internal communication with teachers regarding political education issues.

The NEA has embraced Paulo Freire’s view that all education is inherently political, thereby steering public education towards their political socialist Marxist agenda. (See Dr. James Lindsay – Education not Indoctrination with Moms for Liberty – YouTube ) They have turned many if not most, of our children into political activists through discussions of adult political issues in PreK-12 education, relegating actual education to a secondary concern.

They have redefined “Critical Thinking” (see Critical Thinking is not Cr(itical Theory – Parents United for Real Education ( as “Critical Theory” (see Critical Theory – Parents United for Real Education ( i.e. their version of “Critical Pedagogy.” They have supplanted the teaching of facts and truths with “Dialectic Education,” where students learn from one another and ‘teach’ the teachers, relying on the students’ limited experience and understanding of the topics at hand. One of their primary “trusted resources” is the mainstream media, which has displayed a troubling bias against anything that challenges the prevailing narrative since 2016, as exposed by the Twitter email releases. Unfortunately, NOW one can see that same bias from high tech with AI searches for information contrary to the liberal narrative. Student “trusted sources” information is being censored by AI in favor of the liberal narrative.

Education was not meant to be political, contrary to what leftists would have you believe.

We must return to real education.

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